Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why such a big Pastor Problem?

To the critics who say that Obama did nothing but dither around, I have several questions that they conveniently forget to ask. In all honesty, I believe that it is a positive characteristic that Obama is not willing to just throw someone into the road and run them over for public approval.

And secondly, why should one fault Obama through guilt by association? I know people who have racist parents and are most definitely not racist themselves--they simply don't agree with what their parents think.

So why would it be any different with a spiritual "Father"?

And let's not get started with McCain, who has been associated with Pastors who believe that "Gays should burn" and that "9-11 was a result of Americans harboring gays"(Jerry Falwell), and that "they are worse than terrorists"...

Makes alot of sense, don't it?

I didn't think so...

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